Progetto STEAM2GO

Link to the main project website:

The project team

  • Heron Digital Education & Mathisis LTD (Cyprus)
  • Università degli studi di Firenze (Italy)
  • IIS Leonardo da Vinci di FIrenze (Italy)
  • LXXVI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie (Poland)

STEAM2GO in a nutshell:

STEAM2GO embraces the Maker Movement trend and aims at bringing Maker Movement to as many students as possible, eliminating geographical and socioeconomical obstacles by creating a mobile makerspace model (with low cost technologies) that can be wheeled from classroom to classroom (with the potential to move from one educational place to another as well).

TARGET GROUPS: Students (13-18 years old), teachers/educators

PILOTS: with students in four countries (Poland, Greece, Cyprus and Italy)

TEACHER TRAINING: OERS for teachers & 3 training workshops in Poland, Greece and Cyprus

EVENTS: 4 multiplier events and several dissemination activities targeting school community

Intellectual Outputs:

Four intellectual outputs are foreseen:

IO1 - Output 1: The replicable model for mobile makerspaces: The technical solution.

This results in the development of the model for the mobile makerspace and the documentation of the technical solution. The documentation takes place in a way that can be easily replicated by teachers and other educational practitioners. The mobile makerspace takes the form of a portable set that can be easily transferred from one classroom to another, has energy autonomy and allows school groups to explore the fun of making. The STEAM2GO maker space stores all the essential maker materials in one place and makes it easier to share tools and materials throughout the school classes or different schools and educational organizations.

The mobile maker space will be made from materials that are easily available, designed to be portable but stable so you can move it from place to place, modular so you can organize materials of different sizes and offers visibility to the different tools and materials so students can easily find what they need and get inspiration for alternative solutions in their projects. The mobile makerspace will provide access to:

-Crafting tools for supporting the construction of artefacts

-Electrical circuit making tools

-Blocks- based coding tools

-Connections with tools for sharing

The model will be piloted with teachers and students in the participating schools and the associated partner schools and networks. The feedback from teachers will be used to refine and improve the model.

IO2 - Output 2: The STEAM2GO educational backpack

In progress.

IO3 - Output 3: The STEAM2GO digital platform for all relevant stakeholders

This output results in the creation of the STEAM2GO platform. The STEAM2GO platform will be an on-line platform easily accessible from almost everywhere and from any device (laptop, mobile, tablet). The STEAM2GO platform has three-fold scope:

    • to act as a repository of the STEAM2GO resources that will be freely available and accessible also in the STEAM2GO platform allowing also additional teachers and students beyond the consortium to embrace the STEAM2GO learning intervention
    • to act as a place for sharing ideas for new projects, sharing on-going projects as well as complete projects that have been done with the STEAM2GO mobile maker space
    • to act as a place for registering interest in replicating the model for STEAM2GO mobile maker space and receiving support by the other registered members and the representatives of the partnership.

The platform will be based in other innovative solutions that have been used in successful EU funded initiatives, creatively adapting the e-learning and collaboration mechanisms to the purposes of the STEAM2GO initiative. The STEAM2GO platform will also incorporate the mechanisms needed for running 3 webinars. These webinars will be video-recorded and will be available in the platform and post-project completion. The STEAM2GO digital platform targets apart from teachers all the relevant stakeholders, offering state-of-the-art resources, guides and e-learning tools to foster knowledge exchange. In overall, the platform would be the “place” where to store and where to distribute open access sources.

IO4 - Output 4: The entrepreneurial extension

This output revolves around the description of guidelines for teachers and the development of two exemplar projects that can be implemented with the use of the STEAM2GO mobile maker space in order to support students see the broader picture and combine creatively robotic artefact construction and entrepreneurial thinking.